Sunday, November 30, 2014


            I’m a sucker for a good romantic movie. I love all the best lines from them, “You had me at hello.” “I’d rather make love with you, than fight with anyone else.” “To me, you are perfect.” I could go on for days. This story needs to start with a particular quote, from one of my favorite movies, When Harry Met Sally- “…when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. “ 

            I thought love at first sight was poppycock, malarkey. Just because I love movies and love songs, doesn’t mean I believe people fall head over heels in a matter of seconds, moments, or days. My experiences were anything but that. It’s because I hadn’t met her.

            I was struck by her the first time I saw her. Seriously- the very first time. I took my time about things, since I was very occupied dating one “special” person after another. I always noticed her though. A few months went by, and I got the distinct impression she was avoiding me as much as I wasn’t going out of my way to meet her. I don’t know how to explain it, but I felt like the minute I talked to her things would be different. P.S. she totally was avoiding me.
            My feeling was right. The first day I actually talked to her, I was a complete goner. If this was a movie, there would have been music, maybe some bluebirds, and a couple of singing mice. Yes, all the things they tell you it’s like- lightening striking, fireworks, magnets, the world being knocked off its axis. I ditched out early on a date I had that night, (poor guy, he didn’t have a chance) and I called one of my greatest friends, telling her how this girl affected me. She turned right around and asked me, “Then why are you on the phone with me?” She and I kissed that first night. I truly believe it may have been the sweetest kiss on record.

            She approached us with caution. Myself on the other hand, with reckless abandon. It was the first time, I was not afraid. I can’t tell you why. I’ve got a very strong fight or flight response, and though I sensed this relationship could really hurt, it also had the potential to be something great. So I dove in. I’ve been burned, and I’ve had my heart broken, more than once. I’ve experienced the loss and pain that goes along with it. I can’t explain why it was so different with her. I couldn’t hide- she saw me. She was unlike anyone I had ever encountered. I was ill-equipped to fight how I felt, even if I wanted to.

            Early on we were tested over and over. By the leftovers from past relationships, and by ourselves. We were fire and ice. Our similarities made things easier, and our differences challenged one another on almost a daily basis. I’ve never fought with anyone the way I’ve fought with her. I haven’t shown so much of myself as I have with her. I can’t even explain it to my friends- twitterpatted didn’t cover it. I was drawn to her. I didn’t need her, I wanted her. But damn, it felt like need.

            I knew we would face things other couples wouldn’t have to- we have both a biracial, and a same sex relationship. I was better equipped by age and experience to deal with these things. Well, some days anyway. She was forced to learn on the fly, and be challenged by everything she knew- including society, and her faith.  She noticed the things I didn’t- the looks, the whispers. To compound it all, her internal struggle with it.

            Then she says, “I love you” and all of it melts away, (for the record, she said it first). All of my frustration, all of my fears. My fear that I won’t be able to take care of her, to provide for her. That I can’t give her children, or marry her in the church the way she deserves. That what we have, the fire between us will be put out because we can’t hold onto each other.

            We haven’t done one damn thing on a conventional timeline. I should have known, since not a damn thing about us is conventional. Our friends say we’re nauseating. Our parents think it’s sweet. All I can do at this point, is shrug.  It makes sense to us, that’s all that matters here.

            What she stirs inside me is real. Her beauty, her faith, and the way she moves in this world make me fall in love with her more and more every day. How she feels when I hold her close, when I get to hear the huskiness in her voice when I wake up next to her. She’s my little firecracker, my dreamer, my muse. She also drives me nuts. Anyone who has been in the deep end of love knows exactly what I'm talking about. I know I drive her batty too. She's worth all of it. She was worth the wait. She’s the lyrics to love songs, every love quote, and someone you dream of loving. I have no idea if this is the final love story for me, but damned I hope to the moon and back she is. I’ve never loved the way I love her.


Because, “every time you kiss me, its like sunshine and whiskey.”