Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My straight parents made me queer! Well, kinda...

*I will be using the words gay and queer interchangeably to discuss all those in the LGBTQ community. I was on quite a rant when I wrote this, and  those were the words that kept coming to mind. Luckily this is my blog, so I can do what I want. (Cough, Cough) Here I go-

            I can’t go through my different social media feeds, or look at the news now with out the “Gay Agenda” being discussed. What those “gays” are doing, WHO they’re doing... (gasp!)- And of course, how much this concerns all the folks who are against their relationships.

            Oh wait- it has nothing to do with those people. Nope, nope, nope.

            I have a bone to pick with some of the really ignorant discussions I’ve been seeing. Yes, I’m calling out people in this rant. If you’re uncomfortable with the subject matter, you should probably stop reading now.

            My new, (and actually old) favorite discussion is, “WHERE ARE ALL THESE DAMN GAYS COMING FROM?!” Yea… we were always here. Because of social norms, we were forced to live these half-lives, where we weren’t able to live life out in the open, and hide who we truly are. Guess what folks! It’s a time of social change, and “We’re here! We’re Queer! Get used to it!”

            Look back at history, we’ve always been here. We were helping define it, right alongside everyone else. Prime example- The Imitation Game starring Benedict Cumberbach. Yep- the true story all about a very queer dude who helped win WWII by breaking the Enigma code. It’s true, we’re the only group that needs to come out of the closet. Super obnoxious! No one has to come out black, or male, or a candy-lover… but I digress.

            Please Enjoy Wanda Sykes coming out black, for some comic relief-

            So please, stop acting like we’re some big cosmic surprise. We’re not.
            My next favorite discussion is, “What kinds of parents will queers make? These children will be missing essential male and/or female examples?! The horror!” Wait, what about all of the single parents out there? Or widows and widowers? What about the children raised by grandparents? This is why this argument doesn’t hold water. Let’s go a bit further- what about all of the abusive, and terrible straight parents out there? Are you really trying to tell me these children are better off with them, rather than gay parents? If you do think that, you really need to take a long walk off a short pier.

            “Well if they’re raised by queers, they’ll become queer.” Yep, that’s totally what happened with me! Oh wait- my parents are straight. Oh shit!

            It doesn’t matter if your parents are straight, queer, asexual, or whatever- if you are a product of a loving and caring home, chances are you will grow up to be a loving and caring person, with a chance of being gay, or straight, or asexual... (Check out the Kinsey scale if you want to delve deeper into that).
            If you are an adult now, and still blaming your queer parents for somehow “handicapping” you in your adulthood- grow up. Seriously. Sooner or later, you really need to take responsibility for yourself. I also feel bad for your lovely parent(s), for raising such an asshat. Yep, I’m about to pull the race card- if you’re gonna go by that logic, then my parents handicapped me! Yea, that’s right! My parents are in an interracial relationship, so I went through different kinds of hardships compared to most! Dammit guys, you made life so much harder for me! I’m still suffering at 30!

            No. Not even kinda. See what I did there? Please continue to feed me this argument- I’ll give you the same amount of attention I do to my mechanic when he discusses my car. Aka- I’m really uninterested, so I’m not listening to you at all.

            “QUEERS ARE GONNA RUIN THIS COUNTRY!” They said that about the Irish, and black people. They said that when women got the vote too. Please stop recycling this. It’s an outdated argument. It’s all kinds of tired. Give it a rest. Braces on our brains, and not looking to the future- that’s what could ruin this country.

            “No one is born queer.” Ok, I’m really done with this one. I did not choose to make my life any more difficult, (I’m a biracial, queer woman. Seriously people). I did not wake up one day thinking, “Being called a nigger, and being treated like a second-class citizen already because I’m a girl, just isn’t enough! I’m gonna reach for the stars! Where are all my ladies at???” No.

            “If we allow gay marriage, what’s next? Bestiality?!” What in the actual fuck. Um, no. Just because I want the right to marry my girlfriend, doesn’t mean next I’ll want to marry a cat, (especially because I hate cats. Seriously. With a passion. Selfish little beasts…).
            How you and I define marriage may be different. If you define it by religious values, or by any other way than I do, all power to you. You rock that out. I happen to not agree with you. Let me get this straight- because you are uncomfortable with the fact I want to marry my girlfriend, I shouldn’t? I’m uncomfortable with you tucking in your shirt too. Stop doing that. I really don’t like the way you chew your gum. I’m gonna try and pass a law on that too… You may feel I’m over simplifying things. One- I’m taking the mickey out of you. Two- I find it that ridiculous. How you feel does not, and will not define my life.

            You have every right to your opinions. And maybe you’ll take offense to the sarcastic tone I’m writing in. Here’s the thing- I’m offended by you. You thinking you have the right to define me, and my life. You feeling like you have the right to degrade the love I have for someone, because we happen to be the same gender. I’m offended by your ignorance, your Grinch-like view of my life, and the world today. My love is no less, because I love her. God loves me no less, because I am built as (he) built me. I am a citizen of this country, and of this world, just like you are. I deserve all of the same rights. All of them. I’m sick and tired of hearing your endless excuses and hatred towards me and mine, towards people who want to live in the light the way all of you get to. I am angry you feel you can tell me these things, and think they are not hurtful.

            But I’m going to say it again- I am not going anywhere. We are not going anywhere. If you continue in your ignorance and hatred, you will be standing on the wrong side of history. And that makes me feel sorry for you. Open your mind, and realize I am just as human, as deserving, just as much made in god’s image as you are. And I am not afraid, because when it comes to this, I don’t doubt my stance.