Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fueled by Fear

Bravery- courageous behavior or character.

Fear- an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

            Fear is my constant companion. It is what has pushed me to love, fight through being broken hearted, and to love again. It’s what has driven me in my professional pursuits- the more I was afraid, the more I knew I had to do it. It’s taught me to go to the brink- brought me to my knees, gasping for air and leaving me to wonder what the hell I was doing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve “chased the rabbit” because of it- borrowing trouble about things far from my control, and tail spinning to the point I thought I couldn’t stop.

            I have never thought of myself as brave. People seem to think I am, because of the way I walk in this world. If I wear anything as I badge embroidered on my chest, it would not have bravery stenciled across it. It would say I was fueled by my fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of not finding my person, fear of failing my family and friends, and fear of not living up to the expectations I’ve set out for myself. I’m awakened by it- sensing and feeling more, dreaming more vividly.

            I am afraid I won’t honor everything my parents have done for me, so I push myself to be better. To give them something they and I can be proud of. If I were to die tomorrow, to know I have constantly strived to put my best foot forward- and on the days I failed, to challenge myself to be better the next day, and the days after that.

            I am afraid of not loving. I have been broken hearted, and broken hearts myself, and this instills dread within me. What if I’m not meant to find them? What if my love stories were meant to be short? Is my love story a conventional one, or far from it? Why the hell do I worry about these things in the first place? I know my life can still be a grand thing without them, but still.

            I’m petrified on a regular basis in my professional life. I’m not smart enough, gifted enough. I’ll let people down, or make mistakes. So I throw myself into the work instead. I go for the jobs that make chills run down my back, and give me nightmares. The ones I end up fixating on until every scenario has run through my mind, and nothing could be worse then what has already happened within my own imagination.

            My fear forced me to grow a thicker skin- when I was younger I was afraid of how I would be treated because I looked and acted different. I was and still am reminded daily about my difference. I hoped so much to be normal. Then something hardened in me, and the fear turned into something else.
            The little girl who wanted badly for straight hair instead of curly, for light skin instead of dark, for a demeanor like the other little girls in my classes disappeared. In her place grew a woman prepared to face those who would feed on the insecurity and dread I once had.

            It’s not all gone- those who know me best know deeper down there is a sensitivity born from those old feelings which helps me remain compassionate and open. Often begrudgingly and paved along with way with my colorful vocabulary, I show my true colors, but I at least wasn’t turned inward and made into something cruel.

            My biggest fear now is not being true to who I am. To walk boldly in the light and love who I love, live how I think I should live, to fulfill the dreams my fears can’t seem to put out. Am I trying hard enough? Do I tell them I love them as often as I should? Do I show it? Can I be better, faster, stronger? Have I done all I could do, or is there more? 

            I can’t play it safe, and because of this I’ve failed miserably in every aspect of my life. I’ve triumphed too. I’ve also seen and done things far beyond what I originally thought I could do. All the grand plans and ideas I made, my life looks nothing like that. I am a better person because of it. I'm raw, outspoken, fresh. I'm opinionated, stubborn, perhaps at times overly calculated, and able to listen. 

            So I am thankful for my fear.