Monday, October 29, 2018

behind the curtain.

You frighten me.

You frighten me, because you see me.

I didn't hide from you. I didn't know better. I don't know how to now.

I've been authentic. I've been an open wound. I've done it all in front of you.

Dynamics change, people change.

So many years have passed. The world comes into sharper focus. I see you. I thought I did before.

Late at night, when I can't sleep, I mentally try to push you away. I try to find the reasons, reasons I should change, rather than continue to be my authentic self with you.

My magic is in the facade- hiding, never giving it all away. You seem to think my magic lies out in the open- funny, that's only been with you.

It doesn't work. I'm in too deep now.

I want to be scared. I can't be.

So few get behind the curtain, really behind it. But you did.

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