Tuesday, July 30, 2019

palate cleanse

"I love you". Words one should look forward to hearing, and saying.

In the last year when I heard them, they were said in a way I couldn't trust. It felt manipulative, and insincere. The situations those three words were used were very different, but the result was the same. A lack of reciprocity on my end.

I don't want to move ahead afraid of hearing those words again. Or of saying them myself. I don't want to carry a lack of trust. I want to be open to love, not afraid of how it comes to me. I also don't want to be afraid of loving someone back. It's funny- I never thought I'd ponder a thought process like this.

It's about the choosing. Choosing to go back into the world with an open heart and mind. Slipping my rose colored glasses back on, and staying open to the possibilities. I'm started to become excited again, for whomever is out there. Cheers to what and who comes next.

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