Saturday, April 5, 2014

This lil' life of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...

            I’m not sure when it stopped being okay to be ordinary. When it wasn’t ok to live a small and simple life. I live a very small and simple life, and with the billions of people on this earth, the ripple I will make in the history of human kind will be very small.

            I will not win a Nobel Peace Prize. I won’t invent the longer lasting light bulb, write an award-winning novel, and I will never star in a big budget Hollywood film. Here’s the thing- I’m okay with it. I’m happy with the life I am living, and enjoying all the perks that happen to go along with it.

            I don’t think enough people appreciate how amazing the lives we live are. I’m guilty of this from time to time too. I’m guilty of not appreciating the life I lead, where I grew up, who I get to spend my time with. I’ve gone through depressions when I didn’t want to face the world because I thought it was out to get me. I haven’t felt anything people before me haven’t felt. Of course because we are feeling these feelings for the first time, it is an acute experience. How we feel it must be different, right? Not so much, but I like that we still try to find a way to make it our own. Yet it is, because it’s ours, (go on, scratch your head after that one. You're allowed).

            Here is where I’m lucky. I have a spectacular family. They are my foundation. I come from truly fantastic parents, and I have the best brother a broad could ask for. I have so much extended family I really don’t know what to do with all of them. I’m lucky enough to have met the true loves of my life already- my friends. To be loved unconditionally by people you have chosen to have in your life, that’s something everyone should have the pleasure experiencing.

            I have fallen in love more than once. I’ve experienced the greatest addiction anyone can and will experience, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’ve experienced heartbreak as well. The bone crushing withdrawals we feel when we lose someone who became a part of us, and now is a stranger.

            I’ve heard music, gone to the theater, learned how to dance. I’ve stood in the ocean, tasted snow, and failed at something more than once. I’ve dreamed beautiful vivid dreams, and been awoken by horrifying nightmares. I’ve stayed up to watch the sunrise, cuddled with someone as I fell asleep, and experienced loss. I’ve cried so hard I couldn’t stand, and laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. I’ve been lucky enough to attend college, and graduate. I’ve experienced blind hatred and pain, fear and depression. My father has told me he’s proud of me, and had my mother take care of me when I’m sick.

            There are things I still want to do. I want to travel around the world, own a dog, have children. I want to pursue my doctorate, go to a hockey game, and sky dive. I want to find my person, and hold onto them for the rest of my life.

            I don’t need to conquer the world, or travel the universe. I’m ok with never being popular or famous, and I’m ok with never being rich. I know how to be happy, how to dream, and that fear turns something on inside of me, and pushes me harder than anything or anyone else. I believe there are bigger things happening around me, and I believe god is in the rain. My little life is part of something so much more than myself, so I don’t have to be extraordinary. Kind of a cool thought when you really chew on it.

That all being said, this is all based on what you consider to be ordinary, and extraordinary. Go on, ponder that for a minute.

I’m just a wee little part of our cosmos. I am me.

“Yet what is an ocean, but a multitude of drops?” – David Mitchell Cloud Atlas

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