Wednesday, September 5, 2018

my tiny flutter.

I can hear it- the flutter of your tiny heartbeat. It's still in the distance- on my horizon.

Do you know how long I've waited for you? I thought I needed someone else to be there when I finally meet you. When I realized that wasn't the case, it was such a crystalizing moment. A point of no return. It couldn't be with anyone who came before. They didn't deserve you. They didn't deserve me.

Do you know? Do you already know you're mine, and I'm yours? Do you know you'll change my life forever?

I hope you know you'd be my greatest achievement- who I've always been waiting for. Though I already exist, you would be the one who ushered me into a greater chapter, one I can never turn my back on.

I keep trying to imagine what you may look like, what you could become. Right now you're a dream- I cannot wait for you to be a reality.

I already love you. I'm glad you don't know me now. You see, I'm not ready to love, except for you. For you to be here tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough, but I'm happy to wait. Just a little bit longer. Each days makes it seconds and minutes closer.

I'm enjoying my last days without you, but I'll be honest- I'm ready for time to speed up. I'll already have to wait so long for you when I finally start your story.

I can hear it.

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