Sunday, July 27, 2014

100 little things...

            We all have so many things pulling us every which way in life. Some of us are making hundreds of decisions a day and because of the hustle and bustle, we forget about the little things. I wanted to make a list of the wee bits that make me happy, so on those rough days I feel like I’ve completely lost it, I can be reminded of the tidbits. They’re in no particular order, just free flowing over here.

1.     The smell of creosote in the rain
2.     Choosing a new hair color
3.     Getting snail mail
4.     Starfishing a bed
5.     The smell of library books
6.     Hearing someone say “I love you”
7.     Finding new song lyrics to fall in love with
8.     Re-reading a good book
9.     Spending entire days in skivvies and thigh high socks
10. Waking up with fantastic bed-head
11. When the lights dim in the movie theater, right before the film starts
12. Solo road trips
13. Sitting alone on the beach, listening to the ocean
14. Buying a box of milk duds
15. Movie marathons
16. Singing while doing household chores
17. Eating cracker jacks at a baseball game
18. The first drop in my stomach on a roller coaster
19. Getting a full eight hours of sleep
20. Cuddling with my dogs
21. Hearing my nieces and nephews tell me they miss me
22. Finding new stamps for my mail
23. Getting an unexpected text from someone
24. Making my parents smile
25. That moment after I realize I was afraid of _________ for nothing
26. Butterflies in my stomach
27. Finding a new pair of leggings
28. Sunbathing
29. Feather touches on my back
30. Catching up with one of my girlies
31. Solo dance parties
32. Meeting someone new
33. Pictures
34. Feeling the sun on my face
35. Walking barefoot on spongy grass
36. The first sip of a good soda
37. Duets in the car with mi padre
38. Feeling the thread counts of sheets
39. Catching someone looking at me
40. Snorting with laughter
41. Popping the cork on a bottle of champagne
42. Having someone play with my hair
43. Sitting on my parents couch
44. Ordering a Neapolitan shake from In-N-Out
45. Listening to foreign accents
46. Making a Darth Vader voice by talking into a fan
47. Quoting my favorite movies
48. Finding a new author to read
49. Savoring the first bite
50. Realizing someone missed me
51. The first kiss
52. Seeing wildflowers after the rain season back home
53. Eating cookie dough with a spoon
54. Getting “the look” from my person
55. Those few minutes in the morning, when I still remember my dreams
56. Finishing one of my art projects
57. Making a good playlist
58. When I realize someone is actually flirting with me (I’m a bit dense)
59. Burrowing under the covers
60. Walking through the archways into Disneyland
61. Running my fingers across piano keys
62. Seeing men in tailored suits
63. Finding “the dress” for an occasion
64. Discovering girly things I never knew I’d like
65. Listening to an Orchestra tune up
66. Realizing someone is as dorky as I am
67. The smell of coffee
68. Chalking up during a lifting session
69. Drive-In movie theaters
70. Hole in the wall bars
71. Listening to thunder
72. Looking for constellations
73. Playing twenty questions with someone new
74. Rare occasions, when I get to dress up
75. Learning about a sport that’s new to me
76. Lazing about with family
77. Fresh cut flowers
78. Soft throw blankets
79. Wearing my knit cap
80.  Writing
81. Finding funky pieces of furniture
82. Using my kitchen aid mixer
83. The window seat on a plane
84. The sounds a typewriter makes when you strike the keys
85. Wearing men’s jumpers
86. Reading the Sunday comics
87. Yelling off rooftops
88. Bendy straws
89. Being transported by a soundtrack
90. Birthdays
91. Taking baths
92. Printed fabric
93. Good conversation
94. Vanilla flavored cigars
95. Rainbow sherbet
96. Onsies
97. Love notes
98. Board games
99. Doing “The wave” at football games

100.                Making someone laugh

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