Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mi Familia- 25 reasons they're mine and I'm theirs.

            I come from a very large family. What can I say? My mum’s side of the family happen to be very good breeders… anyway, when you are related to a large amount of people you start to develop certain traits and habits. These are some the things I’ve noticed about my family, and the way I interact with them. Some of it is funny. Some, not so much. Still, wouldn’t trade ‘em for the world.

1.     A “small family gathering” means anywhere from 15- 50 people could show up.

2.     “Too many chiefs, not enough Indians” is a phrase I grew up completely understanding. My aunts are living examples of it.

3.     I have a terrible habit of interrupting people when they talk. Sorry guys, it’s because I’m used to having to talk over several people at once. I also have excellent breath control, honed by the ability to take someone else’s pause as a time for me to talk.

4.     Fight? What fight? It’s called a heated discussion. If there’s no blood, people stomping out of rooms, or slamming doors, then it’s a heated discussion.

5.     When I say I’m an aunt, I’m talking about my cousin’s kids. No, my brother does not have 20+ children. Sorry for the confusion. Also- my nieces and nephews are the smartest, most talented and cutest kids out there. The end.

6.     I don’t ever have to feel lonely- I have built in friends because of all my cousins, aunts, uncles, second cousins, my cousins cousins…

7.     I haven’t gone more than a couple of days without seeing or communicating with someone I’m related to. Ever. Seriously. I don’t consider this a bad thing.

8.     Friends are considered family. We may not be related by blood, but that in no way diminishes the loyalty and attachment we feel towards them.

9.     Break up with someone? If they weren’t a total tool, there’s a high chance they’ll be seen again. We as a family don’t really kick people out, (sounds a bit like “The Family”).

10. Competitive? Pfffft. You don’t know the half of it. Spoons and Monopoly were practically lethal sports… ok, anything where someone has to win. Forget any kind of card game… Ryan and I will ALWAYS kick your ass at Nerts. Always.

11. Unsolicited advice? Plenty of that to go around. Still- I know they all always mean well, and do it because they love me. Doesn’t stop me from getting an eye twitch, but whatever.

12. Nothing on social media is sacred. Also- grandma will call mum to discreetly discuss something posted, or commented upon to see if I’m “ok” which is code for loosing my marbles. Bless all of them, they worry so much.

13. I could completely fail at something, be fired from a job, have my heart broken, pretty much any scenario I could think of- and never be alone. They give me the room to fall flat on my face, then dust me off, kiss me on my forehead and help me put the pieces back together.

14. I have an example of every kind of relationship in my family. There’s always someone who has seen it, felt it, or been knee deep in it. It’s nice to know there’s always someone to talk to.

15. An extension of the last- so I might be the one who still finds a way to go to my own drumbeat, even in such a large group of people. They still love me, just as I am, (even if most of the time they have no idea what the hell I’m doing).

16. As one of the last one in my generation to have kids, I’ll have access to all kinds of parenting advice. From how to give birth, breast feeding vs. bottle, all the way to high school, I’m covered, (PS- sorry mum and Hannah, neither of you is gonna be in the room. Ick. Double ick). It’s kind of frightening. Also- there isn’t an ugly kid in the bunch. No pressure or anything.

17. Bringing someone home to meet the family is always an event. I feel bad for anyone courting me, since they have to field questions and inquiries like, “This must be serious. She never introduces us to anyone. “ “You two getting married?” “What do you think of kids?” “Break her heart, and I’ll break your neck.” These are all real quotes. Yea, I know.

18. You could be all kinds of tone deaf, (believe me, half of my family is) you can still participate in our sing-alongs and Christmas carols. Bring earplugs if you’re sensitive like all the dogs in the neighborhood are.

19. There are a crazy amount of weddings, funerals, birthdays, graduations and anniversaries to attend. It’s almost too bad we don’t have different ethnic backgrounds, think of all the quinceaneras, bar mitzvas or other coming of age parties we could have had.

20. I can tolerate an ungodly amount of noise. I can also tell the difference between when a child is happy screaming, or screaming in pain. Christmas is the best kind of chaos, all noise, color, laughter, singing and food. So much food.

21. If something were to happen to me, my future kids would be ok. They would still know who I was, because my family would make sure of that. They’d of course give them the bad with the good, but mostly the good.

22. My aunts would never admit it, but they are some of the most feminist, brave, opinionated, spiritual, don’t take crap from anyone group of ladies. No mistake, they are ladies dammit. They’ve all got gumption, which a broad like me appreciates.

23. I’m allowed to talk crap on my family all I want. That being said, the dumbest thing you could ever do is talk crap about my family.

24. I’ve never lacked encouragement in anything I endeavor to do. Being afforded that kind of freedom is lovely.

25. There isn’t one person in my family I would trade. We don’t all get along, we drive each other a bit batty. They frustrate me more than anyone else, but that doesn’t matter. They’re mine. I’m theirs. I love every part of it.

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