Sunday, May 27, 2018

That new car smell.

It's like you have that new car smell- with all the feelings wrapped up in it. Excitement, nerves, fear, hope. It's a big purchase, it's a leap of faith, it's...

Well, I don't know what it is yet. It's too soon. So soon. And yet...

You say all the right things. You say you want what I want. To grow old with someone, a simple life with a family. We like the same things, our backgrounds are similar. You seem as excited and afraid and hopeful as I do...

So don't borrow trouble, I tell myself. Don't hold you accountable for the mistakes of those who came before. It isn't your fault I've been burned- you didn't make those poor decisions for me. You didn't cheat, or lie, or hurt me.

Even if this comes to nothing, you have no idea what you've already given to me. Knowing I'm desired, cared for, invested in. When you give, I believe you. When you speak, I listen. When you touch me, I respond.

Too soon? Too late? Too... I don't care.

Let's see where this leads. Something, or nothing.

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