Friday, April 12, 2019

beautiful creatures.

Someone asked me recently why I put people before all the rest. Why people are so important to me.

I know I can go it alone. I have. I know I can do, and think, and feel, and experience without companionship.

It's when you invest in them, in people. When you see them for their potential, when you choose to trust in the beautiful creatures they are... jobs come and go. Really everything does. People are here for such a finite amount of time. I just can't imagine the waste of time and effort to put anything but people first.

I get it. I know what I must sound like. So naive. Maybe so.

I have a friend who said to me, "To see it all through your eyes. The way you see the world- through your rose colored glasses. It's a gift. Even more so, you haven't let anyone take that from you."

So I trust. I open up. To a select few. I allow these people to become important to me. More often than not, the choice bears fruit. I chose wisely.

Funnily enough, it's the times I choose poorly that almost ruins it for the rest. I forget about the beauty, the potential. I forget how brilliant and lucky I am to meet people so different or even similar to me.

I lost the trust. I was hurt. I feel hoodwinked and foolish. I come down the hardest on myself for allowing them in. If only I guarded better...

The pendulum always swings and rights itself. I can't operate in those extremes. I don't know how to stop myself from caring, from being a giver. I don't know how to not live within my usual state. To not be me.

I'll keep choosing, then trusting. The ones who came before can't ruin it for the rest.

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