Tuesday, April 2, 2019

kwir (queer)

  1. 1.
    strange; odd.

You don't have to get it. This isn't for you. I don't have to explain why I love who I love. Sleep with, or who I don't sleep with.Their genders don't matter to me.

Coming out is difficult enough. Acknowledging an "otherness" that is just as much a part of me as my curly hair, my freckles, and the tenor of my voice. A part of my soul, my chemical make up.

"Why come out at all?" I didn't come out for you. I came out for me. Before it was like the feeling you get when you've been holding your breath for too long. The pain in your chest, the ache. Knowing I'm being honest now. Authentic. I can breathe again.

It makes sense though, my being queer. I always felt out of step. Always felt different. the older I got, the more it made sense. I felt more complete when I understood I could love people for who they really were. 

I tried confining myself for a time- 'choose one or the other, girl. You should know.' It's only now I realize I was the only one putting braces on my brains. 

I'll love you for all the things I'm not, and the things we'll have in common. I'll love you for making me feel like I'm the only one you see, because that's how I'd see you. I'll love you however you identify, however you present yourself to me. I'll love your otherness, or lack thereof. 

My love sees no color, no gender, no borders- and thrives beyond fear.

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